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Catching Planes

Free for 3 days, then $15 USD a year after that. Cancel anytime.

Never Pay Full Price for Flights or Hotels Again!

This invite-only platform gives you access to deeply discounted airfare and hotel rates. It's called TripPlanet and it offers members up to a 60% discount when compared to other online travel sites. We're talking about worldwide access to 500+ airlines, 900,000+ hotels and 50+ car rental agencies. 


Take advantage of the exclusive partnership between Catching Planes and TripPlanet and start saving on travel by using the booking platform I use to book all my travel at a discount.



At only $15 a year, it pays for itself many times over on the first booking. 

Golden Gate Bridge

Flight MIA to SFO

Public Price: $453

Sunset Over New York City

4Star Hotel in NYC

Public Price: $513


Flight SFO to Paris

Public Price: $596

California Bus

3Star Hotel in San Diego

Public Price: $257


Get access 

Purchase your subscription access if you're planning on booking a flight, hotel or car rental in the next year. This will give you access to airfare and hotel prices at rates lower than on public booking websites. 


Note: During the purchase process, you'll be prompted to create an account. Make sure to use your preferred email address as this is were I'll send you your TripPlanet login credentials. 

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