You asked for it, and here it is. A list of travel deals out of San Francisco. These are prices that are below market value (cheaper than you'll find on any public website like Expedia, booking, etc). These are also deals you can book directly yourself and not part of a discount deal like those offered by sites like Scott's cheap flights and Next Vacay, etc.
To book any of these or other flights below market value, you can sign up below. Free for 3 days, then $15 USD a year after that. Cancel anytime.
Make sure to check your email after you subscribe to activate your access
Travel Deals
SFO - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Sample travel date: Oct 3rd - Oct 10th 2022 (this is just one of the dates where you'll find this price, other dates may have the same, lower or higher price)
Cost: $748 Roundtrip
Stops: 1
Airline: Delta
Click button at bottom of blog to book.
SFO - Lisbon, Portugal
Sample travel date: October 18th - 27th (this is just one of the dates where you'll find this price, other dates may have the same, lower or higher price)
Cost: $352 Roundtrip
Stops: 1
Airline: United Airlines
To book this flight, click the button at the bottom of this blog.
SFO - Washington DC
Sample travel date: Oct 18th - 25th (this is just one of the dates where you'll find this price, other dates may have the same, lower or higher price)
Cost: $301 Roundtrip
Stops: 1
Airline: Jet Blue
To book this flight, click the button at the end of the blog
SFO - Boston
Sample travel date: Oct 5th - 12th (this is just one of the dates where you'll find this price, other dates may have the same, lower or higher price)
Cost: $275 Roundtrip
Airline: Detla there, United back.
Too book this flight, click the button at the end of this blog.
SFO - Honolulu
Sample travel date: Aug 30th - Sep 8th (this is just one of the dates where you'll find this price, other dates may have the same, lower or higher price)
Cost: $225 Roundtrip
Airline: United there, Alaska back
To book this flight, click the button below.
To book any of these or other flights below market value, you can sign up below. The cost is $15 per year and you get a free 3 day trial to try it for yourself. Cancel before the 3 days and you won't be charged.
Make sure to check your email after you subscribe to activate your access.
For any questions message me on IG here